Monday, January 31, 2011

Cold Monday Mornings.....Tarma's Post

Well, if I am to be honest, today hasn't been one of the most productive days at the yard at all. Starting off with temperatures of -9 this morning meant that the arena was frozen and was pretty much impossible to work on and, as the horses had a pretty tough weekend, it was a unanimous decision to give them a well earned day off today.

All of them that is except, of course, Centuri, whose new mummy just cant seem to keep her hands off him - no matter how cold those hands are!! Those two seem to be falling in love and it is actually quite amazing watching how quickly the bond forms when these boys get their very special someone - we are not always lucky enough to see what happens after they have found their new mummies and daddies!

So, I was thinking that I would have a lovely day, playing at home, maybe a little siesta and a quiet afternoon.......

Take note everyone and NEVER employ a Sharron if you want these dreams realised! Yes, I can dream, but it would appear that I can do no more than that. The slave driver Sharron has decided that, if the horses can't work, it doesn't mean that I cant! I have been sat in front of my computer with not even a packet of biscuits and told to update the website!

To be fair, there are a lot of new and very interesting horses to be uploaded so it is overdue, although my mind wanders back to the time when I saw each and every one - where we were, who was with me, what was said etc etc. I thought I would share a couple of links with you of some of the boys while I am having a break from Photoshop!

If anyone has any helpful comments to add for the descriptions on the website, please feel free to email them over - my brain is slightly mushy these days!

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