Thursday, January 27, 2011

Another successful clinic in Spain!

Spanish Horses UK have just come back from another successful clinic in Spain!

We all had such a lovely time, Libby rode her first canter pirhouette, Hannah her first half pass and change (which turned into several!!!) and Sally her first Spanish Walk and passage! I of course put Libbys expertise down to the lessons she has been having with me on my advanced schoolmaster!

Sue Stokes (aka the riding demon!!) as always though made me proud, riding the GP schoolmaster Quiebro who is just teaching her so much and showing us all how those high school movements should be ridden!

We also saw some stunning new Spanish horses for sale including a PSG schoolmaster and a gorgeous GP schoolmaster who was half brother to Invasor ridden at the olympics by Rafael Soto! He had competed internationally with Ignacio Rambla and was branded Domecq! I was also lucky enough to film a superb 3 year old son of "Evento" out of a stunning Calificado branded Guardiola mare - she was absolutely incredible and I, as always, just felt so lucky to be viewing such stunning animals!

I managed to get everyone to Barcelona airport safely and on-time and on top of that, managed to finish my book!

Back at the yard and real life, all the babies are growing beautifully, Caroline has found her new Spanish boy in our gorgeous grey gelding "Centuri" and Sarah called me excitedly to say that she will be collecting her new horse "Petrel" on Saturday. Sarah caught the bug from her mum , the local dressage judge Sue Harcombe, who purchased the lovely PRE "Faisan" from us last year. These two lovely bay boys should soon become best buddies!

The babies are growing well and are getting more and more inquisitive by the day, the lovely little girl by the Calificado Velasco stallion "Habanero" is fighting for supremecy with Christines' little "Fuego" who is by her GP Candau stallion "Uranio" and the gorgeous pearl carrier from Senorio de la Bariain "Vega X".

Sharron as always is doing a fabulous job of lookng after them all although I know she is waiting for the Spring with open arms! I am keeping her spirits up though, with the promise of new boys arriving soon......

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